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Nubra Valley is an alluring location in Ladakh lying about 140kms from Leh is a high-altitude desert of India. Nubra Valley is extremely pretty and famed for its picturesque beauty comprising of white dunes and Shyok River surrounded by snow-capped mountains as its backdrop.


Nubra Valley boasts an alluring panorama, peaceful monasteries that influence Buddhist culture, and double-humped Bactrian camels which are found only here. Tourists require an inner line permit for visiting Nubra Valley. It’s a must for tourists to explore this undefinable beautiful location and it shall be admired by all sorts of travelers.


Nubra Valley is known as one of the best places in India to spot the milky way.



Travelers come across the Khardung – La Pass – The highest motorable pass in the world while traveling from Leh to Nubra Valley. Tourists will get guaranteed snow here while traveling to Nubra Valley/Shyok or back. Travelers would experience unexplored panoramic snow-capped landscapes and often get to witness snowfall as well. Traversing through the highest motorable pass is exciting in itself which invigorates adventurers and tourists alike making them feel at the top of the world. Tourists can take innumerable pictures and enjoy hot beverages or momos at the nearby café.


April to Mid-October is the best time to travel here since the road is accessible as the snow has melted and it becomes extremely difficult to move about in winters.


Hunder is a remote village in Nubra Valley and has gained fame for its stunning white dunes, cold desert, and Bactrian camels. The spectacular views of mountains on one side and desert on the other can be experienced by riding the double-humped Bactrian camels. These camels originally were used as a medium of transport to travel to the silk route and now are hugely popular among tourists. One can explore various adventurous activities as well at the dunes-like ATV biking, archery, etc.


Hunder offers exciting tented accommodations for its tourists who can experience the valley in its charm while waking up to its admirable beauty of mountains and birds chirping. Stone Hedge Hotel by far serves as the best place to stay while on your trip to Nubra Valley.


Diskit monastery serves as the oldest and largest monastery in Nubra Valley and has enchanting views of the Nubra Valley. The main highlights of the monastery are the huge colourful statue of Maitreya Buddha, the huge drum in the prayer hall, and the artifacts and images of the guardian deities. The mighty Maitreya Buddha statue is appreciated for its colourful architecture standing tall with a height of 106ft facing the Shyok River promoting peace and protection in the region.


Turtuk is the last accessible village lying near the Indo-Pakistan border boasting scenic landscapes and local culture. Tourists can stroll across the beautiful bridges, small pathways and explore the local culture as well as interact with the locals. There are many cafes here for tourists to relax and admire its beauty by sipping on beverages and trying local foods. Turtuk is famous for its apricot trees and hence you would find it everywhere and locals even sell Apricot oil which has many medicinal properties.


Yarab Tso lake is a hidden unexplored charming lake located near Sumur village which is accessible via Diskit. One needs to hike about 20 mins to reach the lake as it is nestled uphill from the base. Breathe the fresh air of the mountains and lake and lose yourself among the blissful nature to witness the simple joys of life.

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